Generating tabulars using the
autotab Style

Gabriele Kruljac
5. Oktober 1989
This is the description of the autotab style. It offers some new commands to generate tabulars nearly automatically.

The style itself is called as \documenstyle option \documentstyle[...,autotab,...]{darticle}. The tabular creating commands are called inside a tabular or supertabular environment. Syntax:

\readtabline{...} reads from data file and generates the tabular entries; argument is the number of columns = number of records which bild one tabular line
\autotabline is the built tabular entry, inserts it's into the tabular at the specified point

Every time \readtabline is called it asks for the name of the input data file and starts reading. The style reads as much records as specified by the argument of the \readtabline command, puts them into \autotabline connected with ampersands (&) and adds \\ to the last of these records. This algorithm is repeated until end-of-file is found.

Using autotab in conjunction with the supertabular environment offers the possibility to generate tabulars without regard to necessary pagebreaks, because they will be inserted automatically by supertabular (see separate description).